A Quiet Month Is A Good Month - Or Is It?
The month started with a bang. After an exhilarating and successful exhibition opening, I high-tailed it to Portarlington the very next day – November 1st. It was exactly the post event celebration that I needed to unwind and refresh my energy. I stayed at Bellarine Bayside Holiday Park, in a very cute little cabin right on the beach (what little beach there is, it is highly eroded and on a steep incline), with a walking path right out front to watch walkers go by whilst journaling and sipping rosé.
The view from my cabin. Image by Teague Leigh by phone.
Before the trip, my counsellor suggested I write letters to my ma in an effort to heal. I am a terrible diarist; however, I found this experience highly cathartic, and the automatic writing flowed, along with my tears, quite unashamedly. If you’ve lost a loved one, perhaps you have done something similar. I cannot recommend the experience enough. This trip was all about healing. Healing from a long stint of work, and healing from the passing of my ma in July, so I did not bring my camera, I only took photos with my camera.
Whilst going on daily walks I soaked up the sun and took in the views. On one walk I watched a woman walk her horse through the ocean waters, it was such a beautiful sight. Whilst sitting outside my little cabin I had so many people say hello, such a friendly area, so uncommon in the city. All this was completely refreshing, and I thanked my past self for having the where-with-all to book this trip in advance.
Next up, on the 8th of November, Michael and I drove to Shepparton again for their annual Out in the Open Carnival Day where Michael sold their books to eager locals. Everyone is so friendly, from the teens who are neurodivergent, to the adult queers who aren’t particularly readers, but love the content anyway, or just want a chat. We love going to this event and watching the day’s entertainment. This was an overnight trip with Michael giving a panel the previous night at the local library to a handful of eager teens who ate every word. It was an encouraging experience.
Michael holding up two anthologies at the Shepparton Library. Image by Teague Leigh by phone.
Lastly in a very lean month was another trip away with Out Doors Inc. This was another overnight trip. I met a few different people on this trip, which is always difficult for me, I feel so awkward at small talk and never know how to initiate a conversation. This is the main reason I go away on these trips – to help me conquer my chronic social anxiety. The fact that we go away and spend time in nature is an added benefit. This trip we went to the dubiously named Mount Cannibal and did the spectacular loop walk. Afterwards we made lunch at Mortimer Picnic Ground and completed the tricky nature track. Tricky because a couple of the bridges were out from large fallen trees. The next day we stopped to see Puffing Billy at Emerald Park and then we walked around the lake.
Mount Cannibal views. Image by Teague Leigh.
As I said, this was a less busy month than what I have experienced in the past. I’m not mad about it. In fact, it was exactly what was called for in my hectic life. I need to practice slowing down. My daily rests are a great start, but they are the tip of the iceberg of sorting out a comfortable living. I grew up with the “head down, bum up” mentality of the working class British, and as a British, my father taught me not to complain about it. I have been working on this. Whilst I do not complain out loud to others, I certainly have stern words with myself these days and ask myself whether or not working so hard is a value add to my life. I’m trying to practice the art of not giving a fck, but decades of poor life skills have made it a hard lesson to learn. Once again, I leave you with this – be kind to yourself, on both the easy days and the hard days. Take nothing for granted.
Question of the month: Who are you in the dark, when no one is watching?
Be kind to yourselves, each other, and the planet.